The top 3 factors that hinder installation and increase price are:
Weather Conditions
Although weather conditions like rain don’t directly affect a fence installer, they can make the property more susceptible to damage. Therefore, additional precautions may be requested to ensure a clean installation and help prevent damage or repair to the yard. If you are concerned about yard damage, ask your installer what steps will be taken for your specific property.
Retaining Walls
Sometimes a fence will be built beside a retaining wall or integrated into the design. As it is the supporting factor to the ground, relevant to the fence, it is important to recognize the integrity of the wall is a factor in the longevity of the fence installation. If the wall is compromised, shows excessive pressure or soil erosion, or has a visibly limited life expectancy, we recommend viewing that as your main priority. If you go ahead with the fence installation before addressing the retaining wall, you may end up paying for the new fence twice.
Unexpected Costs
It is impossible to anticipate subterranean hindrances or the occasional unforeseen obstacle. The most common example of a cost-increasing obstacle is a large boulder. In an application where curb appeal is paramount, changing the post placement may not be an option, resulting in longer labor time and heavy equipment.